The exhibition - Model train 2010


Swedish Railway Museum 


This big event is held annually in October at the Swedish Railway Museum in Gävle
The first event was held in 2006 to gather modellers active in the new movement of module building.

What makes this event a bit special is the environment in which the exhibition is held
Many of the exhibited layouts are shown between the big engines in the museum's roundhouse
From the two halls which houses the engines from the modern era, the engines are rolled out in the yard
in order to make room for the two main H0-module installations. 
The picture above shows an electrical engine of type Ra outside the roundhouse.
In other halls, the engines are more stationary 
and left indoors. 

This makes it quite tricky to put together the
layouts, still providing space for the audience.

My own layout will be shown
between a big 
steam engine and the wooden
type D electrical engine
Preparations at the H0 installation

There is something missing!


Where should this cable be attached ?  Of course, it should be attached in the opposite end!

One of the H0 halls at the 2008 exhibition

Vid destilleriet bekräftas en större affär med ett kraftfullt handslag. 
Det hela bevakas av regional TV som sänder direkt.
Finally, my own layout squeezed in a passage between the engines
